Monday, October 3, 2011

Maury Povich: Newman's Own label

If Maury Povich or Paul Newman are ever brought up in conversation, I consider that my lead in to bring up this gem of a comparison. Every time I make the big reveal..."You know who Maury Povich looks like?" Drum roll please... "Paul Newman on the Newman's Own label!"... I always expect the other person to stop, stare off into the distance and think about it for a sec, and then snicker a little when they've conjured up such a visual epiphany. Then, I'd get some kudos for being wickedly sharp when it came to twinsie comparisons, and they'd insist on picking my brain for more.

But that never happens. Instead, the other person just gives me a dirty look, as if I've said something offensive or insanely inaccurate, and replies, "Maury Povich doesn't look anything like Paul Newman."

Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. That's not the issue. I'm saying he looks like the Paul Newman from the Newman's Own label. And here's proof. Dammit, it's creepy, and I deserve props for discovering this eerie resemblance. A few people agreed with me, and spread the word, but I'd like to state that I was the original mastermind behind this.